
Sympathy Les Fleurs de l'Espoir

  • A tender display of white roses, carnations, and hydrangeas, gracefully gathered in a basket alongside ethereal gypsophila, pistachio leaves, and eucalyptus foliage, expressing heartfelt condolences and offering a gentle embrace of solace in times of sorrow.

    Our flowers are delivered in bud for ultimate freshness and lifespan. Due to the seasonal nature of our flower arrangements, some secondary stems can vary. Primary focal stems and colours will always reflect the website image.

    Ireland’s #1 Online Florist!
    Bloom Magic is proud to be rated EXCELLENT on Trustpilot from over 4,000 genuine reviews.
    More questions? Speak to a member of our team today at

Size: Standard Basket (colour / style of the basket may vary)

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